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United Heating, Cooling & Plumbing: Becoming a More United Team Through Open-Books

 United heating, cooling and plumbing becoming a more united team through open-books blog

United Heating, Cooling & Plumbing is new to The Great Game of Business®.  After several employees had read the book, they decided to take the leap into open-book management earlier this year at their two locations including more than 300 employees. United hopes to embrace their employees' excitement for transparency and OBM, keep this energy going and continuously better communication within the company by implementing the Great Game of Business.

As United is rolling out the Great Game to their company, their leaders are using a more innovative approach to introducing GGOB practices to their employees by releasing fun and informative videos. We spoke with Sarah Lambert in Process Improvement about how they have begun the process at United. Check out their videos and our Q&A below!


GGOB: What inspired your team to implement The Great Game of Business?

Sarah Lambert: The owners of United have always wanted to find ways to help everyone make more money so they have the ability to do the things they want to do; such as own a home or go on vacations with their family. They were never able to put it into practical application. They were given the book by a friend and it started the fire that spread from there. Within a few weeks, people were asking about the book at United. We asked around and formed a group of individuals who wanted to tour the facilities in Springfield as we are only a three-hour drive away. Once on site, we knew we had to implement GGOB at United.

GGOB: What inspired you to create this video?

SL: So many of the team members at United have read [The Great  Game of Business] book. There was such a buzz about what GGOB was and when they could expect to be a part of it. We created a team of five of us to start working through ideas for communication. Dave, our coach, voluntold us to design a video to send out to the company. 

GGOB: What was the goal of creating this video?

SL: Bring awareness and excitement to GGOB and the All-Team Launch.

GGOB: How did customers and employees respond to it?

SL: Customers have not been sent the video. The entire company received them. We received quite a few comments in regards to our singing skills, or lack thereof.

GGOB: What drove the song choices used in the video?

SL: We created the dialogue and found songs that could back into what we were hoping to achieve in a message.

GGOB: Do you plan to create more?

SL: We have created another video already and have plans for each member on the design team to be involved in a video at some point.






United is already seeing positive results in their company after beginning implementation in April, including improvement among their design team members as they currently work through a communication MiniGame. They plan to execute their All-Team Launch later this week including a 5-hour training for their 350 employees to kick off the Game. 


Interested in more practitioner stories? To view more videos about open-book management and The Great Game of Business®, check out our YouTube channel!

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About The Great Game of Business

Our approach to running a company was developed to help close one of the biggest gaps in business: the gap between managers and employees. We call our open-book approach The Great Game of Business. What lies at the heart of The Game is a very simple proposition: The best, most efficient, most profitable way to operate a business is to give everybody in the company a voice in saying how the company is run and a stake in the outcome. Let us teach you how to develop a culture of ownership, where employees think, act and feel like owners.