Unlock Resources for Scaling Up Your Business
As a Do-it-Yourself Implementor, you need tools to make your Great Game® Implementation as successful as possible. Downloading these free tools will get you started Scaling Up Your Business with The Great Game of Business®.
Assess Your Team
The true measure of success is starting with a firm baseline. Before implementing any change it is always a good idea to assess your organization's performance in team meetings, planning, forecasting, rewards, recognition, education and engagement.
Setting Goals

Goals – Not just any goal. The Critical Goal…THE Critical Number. Your company’s Critical Number is the one metric, either operational or financial, that represents a weakness or vulnerability that, if not addressed and corrected, will negatively impact the overall performance and long-term security of the business. This Critical Number is what represents winning. It serves as a common and clearly defined goal that directs employee focus and demonstrates progress and success.
Critical Number Tool
It's one thing to choose your Critical Number,
but communicating it effectively is a
another ballgame. Use this tool to effectively
communicate the Critical Number to your team
so you can then establish Line of Sight.
Design Team Job Description
The Design Team builds the top-level game. They are the change mechanism to put in place The Great Game of Business® practices.
Dollar Exercise
This simple exercise is designed to show your people the line of sight for anyone in your organization so they can see that they can make a dramatic impact.