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How to fill out a personal income statement and balance sheet with your own information.
Learn what the numbers mean and how to improve key metrics like debt-to-income.
The class goes over amortization tables showing how interest you pay or receive can compound and add up over time.
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Please reach out to us to sign up for this opportunity!
Companies that play The Great Game of Business invest in their associates to make sure everyone understands the language of business and what the numbers mean on the financial reports shared in Huddles. Additionally, they give their teams the tools to know how they impact the numbers.
So why shouldn’t employees play The Great Game of Business with their families at home?
If businesses are preparing for a downturn in the economy, organizations should be educating their employees on how to prepare to not only survive an economic downturn, but how to thrive in their personal life. If employees have financial peace in their personal life, they will make better decisions at work and be much more productive than employees who are stressed out about their finances.
Please reach out to us to sign up for this opportunity!
Take a Snapshot – Your Personal Financial Statement
Loans and Credit Cards
Book a virtual or in-person event private to your own company.
3 Virtual Sessions - 2 Hours Each
Participant Workbook – $29.95 per person
3 In-Person Sessions - 2 Hours Each
2 In-Person Sessions - 3 Hours Each
Participant Workbook – $29.95 per person
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All trademarks, trade names or logos mentioned or used herein are the property of their respective owners. Reference to any product or service by manufacturer, trade name, trademark or otherwise does not reflect any affiliation with the manufacturer or its endorsement of the products or services. | COPYRIGHT © 2019 THE GREAT GAME OF BUSINESS, INC. All rights reserved.
For nearly 40 years, The Great Game of Business™ has helped organizations reach their highest potential and value.
Tapping into the universal human need to win, GGOB educates your people in the rules of business, rallies them around a common goal, empowers them to see and improve the score, and engages them by giving them a stake in the outcome.
2401 E. Sunshine St.
Springfield, MO 65804