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Financial Forecasting: What it Is, How to Do It, And Why It’s Important for Every Business

In our personal lives, we are terrible predictors of our future selves. Uniformed, we buy houses based on a salary we believe will only increase. We buy cars thinking the price of gas will stay the same. We subscribe to memberships and services thinking we’ll always use them. We constantly seek stasis in a world that is constantly changing.
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6 Benefits of Having an Employee Bonus Program

There is no more powerful tool a manager can have than a good bonus program. If a bonus program works, it can be an incredible motivator. It can get people producing at levels that make the cost of the program seem like peanuts, no matter how much you may have spent to set it up.
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Why Leading by Example Sends the Most Powerful Message to Your Employees

Leading by example is one of the most powerful tools your company has in droves. And the best part? You don’t have to spend a dime to do it. You just have to show up and, well, inspire action by simply doing what you say you’re going to do. Why is leading by example so important when you’re transforming company culture and want to retain employees?
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Unlocking Success with Business Coaching for Healthcare Professionals

The healthcare industry stands at a crossroads. In the digital age of wearable medical devices, telemedicine, and AI and machine learning revolutionizing the way we receive healthcare, providers face a labor shortage crisis, aging Baby Boomers, and burned-out doctors, nurses, and support staff still reeling from the pandemic. It’s not hard to see why healthcare professionals, providers, and organizations need all the help they can get. No matter the economic climate, everyone needs healthcare. Find out how business coaching can help your healthcare organization thrive despite all of the uncertainty.
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Guarding Against Employee Trust Deficit – 4 Ways to Improve Trust in the Workplace

There has been a decline in public trust in institutions and businesses in recent years. This goes beyond the company-customer relationship and is impacting employees and the way they relate to the people they work for.
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Why Trust Is Important In The Workplace (And How Business Transparency Can Help Build It)

Everyone knows trust is a fundamental part of any relationship. But what does trust mean in the workplace, and more importantly, why should leaders care, and how can they build it?
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Should I Hire a Business Coach? 5 Reasons to Consider

If you’re wondering whether or not you should hire a business coach, it depends on what stage you’re in when it comes to implementing The Great Game of Business methodology and what you’re looking to achieve.
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Top 4 Reasons Employees Leave – Understanding How To Improve Employee Retention

If you own a business or run one, you know there are plenty of challenges waiting at your desk for you every morning. But of all the problems that might visit you, one of the most serious is poor employee retention. Look out at your office now or the shop floor and imagine what it would look like if half of those people were gone.
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Empower Your Business: Discover 3 Benefits of GGOB Business Coaching

You've attended the webinars and the conferences, seen the success stories, and even read the book that started it all. In other words, you're sold. Creating a "business of business people" sounds amazing! But when it comes to actually applying it — that's a different story If this sounds like you, GGOB's business coaching can help. The true value of business coaching is better than you might think. Some of the best reasons you might benefit from business coaching include: Create better team structures Establish stronger business processes Be more motivated and confident Better time management Specific action plan for implementing The Game™ Here are three reasons why business coaching helps you implement The Great Game of Business faster and with more ease.
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Is Your Company Working Towards The Right Goals?

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About The Great Game of Business

Our approach to running a company was developed to help close one of the biggest gaps in business: the gap between managers and employees. We call our open-book approach The Great Game of Business. What lies at the heart of The Game is a very simple proposition: The best, most efficient, most profitable way to operate a business is to give everybody in the company a voice in saying how the company is run and a stake in the outcome. Let us teach you how to develop a culture of ownership, where employees think, act and feel like owners.