The Great Game of Business Blog

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4 Takeaways from The Gathering

4 Takeaways from the gathering blog

It’s hard to believe we’ve had 25 years of The Gathering and are on our way to the 26th. This year was our biggest and most amazing event yet! If you didn’t make it out this year, we hope to see you there for 2018! From the sessions to the networking, we had a blast and wanted to share some of our top takeaways from the event.

1. People Support What They Help Create

It’s not just about a healthier business financially. It’s about how:

  • The Great Game of Business allows your organization to engage with the results.
  • Your employees can have an impact and act in a way they know grows the business.
  • The Great Game of Business becomes about culture, collaboration and community.

These are the things we hope stay with you. We are moved by the cultural impact every year at the conference as we get to network and spend time talking with everyone who makes it out.

2. Great Gamers Want to Help Each Other

It’s astounding hearing all of the offers for help and shared ideas throughout the week. Anthony Wilder Design/Build, Inc. even offered to help anyone who needs it while they were on-stage being inducted into the All-Star Hall of Fame. When we come together like this, we create a better system, better companies and happier employees.

3. The Great Game Breaks Barriers

The Great Game of Business has continued to pioneer into new industries thanks to very ambitious individuals. This year, Missouri Southern State University won our pioneer award for implementing what they are calling “The Great Game of Education.” Katie Davis , GGOB coach and former CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Ozarks, brought open-book management into the non-profit sector when others didn’t see how it could fit, and lead her team to great success because of it.

Companies of all shapes and sizes have brought open-book management into their culture for a positive impact, so if you have a unique company, product or service, don’t give up on bringing open-book management into your organization.

4. Give Your Employees Meaning

Jackie Freiberg spoke about the epidemic of low engagement in the workplace, and said we as humans are not meant to disengage. It is not who we are, we want to engage, we want to be passionate and we want to grow.

The Great Game of Business gives everyone the ability to impact your company’s success. This leads to engagement and passion, it gives our work the meaning that many of us crave.

Yes, this will help your bottom line because, as Jackie discussed, engaged people are your largest asset, yet by impacting your employee’s lives you are creating the best outcome. 

These were just a handful of all of the insights we walked away with and we hope you left with even more! Thank you all again for making it out to The Gathering this year. We can’t wait to see you at one of our upcoming workshops.


Topics: Employee Engagement, Open-Book Management, The Annual Gathering of Games

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About The Great Game of Business

Our approach to running a company was developed to help close one of the biggest gaps in business: the gap between managers and employees. We call our open-book approach The Great Game of Business. What lies at the heart of The Game is a very simple proposition: The best, most efficient, most profitable way to operate a business is to give everybody in the company a voice in saying how the company is run and a stake in the outcome. Let us teach you how to develop a culture of ownership, where employees think, act and feel like owners.