Gravitas Impact is a global coaching network that guides, challenges, and supports CEOs in their growing companies. They work with internationally-recognized thought leaders to help CEOs ignite groundbreaking insights to empower positive growth and ongoing success. This webinar hosted by Gravitas Impact President, Keith Cupp, features Jack Stack as they cover his role as a passionate leader over 35 years and concepts from the Great Game of Business.
Sneak Peek- What's Included in the Webinar:
- What is the Great Game of Business and why does it make a difference?
- What are companies afraid of when implementing The Game and what are barriers to implementation?
- How SRC has not only survived four recessions, but doubled in value within five years of each of these economic downturns.
- What is SRC's Critical Number™?
- The Living Laboratory in Springfield, MO.
- The Great Game applied in Non-Profit organizations and international countries
Jack Stack will be presenting as Keynote Speaker at Gravitas Impact's 2019 Premium Leadership Event this November. Click here to learn more about this event featuring thought leaders like Jack Stack and the community of Gravitas coaches.
Want to find out more? Click below for the first half of the Gravitas Impact webinar, featuring Jack Stack.