Everybody loves a great story. So what’s yours?
The benefits of good storytelling ripple out from gaining exposure to new customers, partners, and even employees—all of whom may be inspired to join your cause.
Your story should be part of your brand and, at a minimum, be part of your website. But you don’t have to stop there. You can also use your story to connect with the media, or as an internal tool to help on-board new employees to help them understand what your company culture is all about.
That’s especially true for companies who play The Great Game of Business®. Think about the power of telling a story like SRC does, of how they evolved from an upstart with an 89-to-1 debt-to-equity ratio into a company that is admired around the world, thanks to the power of teaching their associates to think and act like owners. Who wouldn’t want to work with a company with a story like that?
As the pool of available talent continues to shrink in the coming years, your unique story—especially if you can trumpet how your culture is built on transparency, opportunity, and engagement by playing The Great Game of Business—can serve as a key differentiator in terms of attracting the best people and customers.
The truth is that if you aren’t telling your story, someone else—maybe your competitors—might be doing it for you... and they might make up some unflattering details when they do. Do you think Mark Zuckerberg has any regrets about how the movie The Social Network portrayed him and the founding of Facebook?
When it comes to telling your story where should you start? Here are a few questions to consider:
What’s the hook?
In other words, what makes your story unique? Does it involve the founders? Or is your business connected to some bigger trend? Is there a dramatic hurdle that you and your team overcame? Is there a David/Goliath element involved? If you were going to write a novel or a screenplay about your story, how might it unfold?
Who is your audience?
There are many ways to shape a story based on how it might best connect with your audience. Who do you want to tell your story to? Is it local, regional, or even national audience—or is it aimed internally? What are the key messages and elements of your story that you think will appeal to your intended audience?
How can you tell your story?
Every business has an “About Us” page on their website which tells some elements of their story. But are there opportunities to tell your story beyond the web page? Can you shoot some video clips of your team in action, for example, where they get the chance to share their story? Or what about creating a booklet or pamphlet filled with photos that paint a picture of where your company has come from and where it’s going? This is your chance to engage the creativity of your team to explore the many different ways you can bring your story to life.
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