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Top 14 Most Powerful Quotes From Gathering of Games 2015

Gathering of Games 2015


No matter the topic, the presenter, the intended audience…all the presenters at the 2015 Gathering of Games produced some powerful inspiration.

With each session, we took away so many lessons, but these 14 really stood out, and we think they’re worth repeating because they embody so much of what The Great Game, Gathering of Games and being business leaders is all about.

14 Lessons from the 2015 Gathering of Games

1. “Under the right conditions, the collective can be smarter than the individual. Harness their wisdom!”

- James Surowiecki, author of The Wisdom of Crowds

2. “We all have answers. Your job is to ask the right questions.”

- Verne Harnish, founder, Gazelles and EO

3. “Build your business as if it will last forever, but sell tomorrow.”

- Bo Burlingham, Inc. Magazine editor-at-large and best-selling author

4. “Studies say that how you manage energy may even be more important that how you manage time.”

- Drew Seidel, American Electric Power – Pirkey Plant

5. “Raising the minimum wage is not the answer, we need to teach the have not’s how the haves made it.”

- Jack Stack, SRC Holdings Corp

6. “Transform your business through the passions of your people.”

- Amy's Ice Cream Team

7. “A wealth of info creates a poverty of attention. Organizations need to keep focus!”

-  Andy Kanfield, Dialect Inc.

8. “Culture is not destination, it's a journey and what you do every step of the way matters.”

- Janis Sanders, Hilcorp Energy Corporation

9. "Teaching people business is the best thing for our company and our country."

- Dave Van Belle, Van Belle Nursery

10. “When you demystify the financial statements, it's no longer numbers on the board; it's a story of what happens every day.”

- ‪Steve Baker, Great Game of Business

11. "Everyone can want change, but if you don't have a vision of know where you're going, it won't work."

- Ari Weinzweig, Zingerman’s Community of Businesses

12. “Should we share bad news with employees? Yes, and watch them rise to the occasion!”

- Goodall Homes Team

13. “Easy way to recognize employees, change your morning routine. Don't go straight to your desk, walk around and greet them.”

- Kevin Walter, Tasty Catering & Great Game of Business coach

14. “Sometimes values lead business. Sometimes businesses need to change values."

- Anne Claire Broughton, Broughton Consulting LLC

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Our approach to running a company was developed to help close one of the biggest gaps in business: the gap between managers and employees. We call our open-book approach The Great Game of Business. What lies at the heart of The Game is a very simple proposition: The best, most efficient, most profitable way to operate a business is to give everybody in the company a voice in saying how the company is run and a stake in the outcome. Let us teach you how to develop a culture of ownership, where employees think, act and feel like owners.