GGOB + 21 Hats-1


About Our Podcasts

Podcasts for entrepreneurs, business owners, and leaders. These messages are brought to you directly from CEOs and business thinkers to help build healthier companies, better businesses, and better lives for both you and your employees.

We Haven't Signed a New Client in Eight Months

Loren Feldman



This week, we meet Jaci Russo, the co-founder and CEO of BrandRusso and the latest addition to the 21 Hats Podcast team. Jaci tells Jay Goltz and Laura Zander how she went from working for Barry Diller to starting her marketing agency. Jaci also explains why she recently decided to introduce a four-day workweek and why she thinks her agency has now gone eight months and counting without signing up a new client—the longest such stretch in more than 20 years in business. “I find it interesting,” responds Jay. “You just said this is the first time you’ve ever had such a long period without new business. And, ‘Oh, we went to a four-day workweek.’ Hmm, how interesting.” Plus: Laura talks about what happened when venture-backed competitors came for the knitting industry and how stressful it is to buy and operate another business in another state.


Not Sold on ESOPs? There's A New Alternative

Loren Feldman


This week, two special guests who have built highly successful companies talk about what they ultimately plan to do with those companies. Ari Weinzweig is co-founder of Zingerman’s Community of Businesses, a collection of mostly food-related companies that are an iconic part of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Brad Herrmann is co-founder of Text-Em-All, a software firm based near Dallas that helps organizations deliver personalized, informational, and emergency messages by text and by phone. Both Zingerman’s and Text-Em-All consider themselves purpose-driven. Both practice open-book management. And so, not surprisingly, the founders of both companies took a hard look at selling to an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP, in the hope that the cultures they’ve created might live on. But both companies, independently, soured on the notion of creating an ESOP, one after spending more than $200,000 and coming within a week of closing the deal. And now, both have settled on a little known alternative, what’s called a perpetual purpose trust. So far, only a handful of companies have tried to create a purpose trust for this purpose, but Zingerman’s and Text-Em-All are taking the leap. As both Ari and Brad acknowledge, they’re kind of figuring it out as they go.

— Loren Feldman

Marketing Workshop - May 18, 2023

I Didn't Know It Was Going To Work

Loren Feldman


This week, Shawn Busse and Loren Feldman talk to John Garrett about his contrarian approach to newspapers, marketing, and competition. Garrett has built a Texas-based chain of print newspapers that has managed to outcompete established news organizations and digital platforms for both community engagement and local advertising. Not surprisingly, when he first took out a $39,000 credit card loan in 2005 and started telling people that his business model would feature a monthly print publication that he would mail to everyone in his target communities for free, he didn’t get a lot of congratulations. And not everything he’s tried has worked. An expansion into Arizona, Tennessee, and Georgia, for example, failed early in the pandemic. But almost 20 years after its debut, a period during which most local publications have been in retreat, Community Impact is thriving. And from his seat as a publisher, Garrett offers a perspective on marketing that any business owner would be wise to consider.

— Loren Feldman

I'm Not A Real CEO

Loren Feldman


This week, Jay Goltz, Liz Picarazzi, and Sarah Segal talk about the inherent conflicts between being an entrepreneur and being a CEO—and the different skill-sets each role requires. Does it make sense for the same person to do both jobs? Is being CEO even a full-time job? And when does it make sense to replace yourself as CEO? Liz says she’s thought about it. Jay, not so much: “Could I have found somebody 10, 15, 20 years ago who was a better manager? Sure. But it just wasn’t worth it.” Why not? “It’s gonna cost you $250,000 a year,” Jay says. “Is it worth paying that?” Plus: Liz and Sarah talk about positioning a company to be acquired. And Sarah proposes a PR campaign for Liz’s package bins right on the spot.

ESOP Roundtable 5

Robert Isherwood
Victor Aspengren hosts Robert Isherwood from AMBAC International: This episode of the Change The Game Podcast is from a previously recorded live roundtable event with Robert Isherwood from AMBAC International as he discusses how his employee-owners have an ownership mentality and the ways they demonstrate it. 

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Leadership is About Relinquishing Control

David Gilliland
David Gilliland (Elite Business Coach at Elite Entrepreneurs) discusses how leadership is an exercise in relinquishing control. How three times growth is about having the right team, and the importance of looking ahead to what your company can do when it's doing $1,000/hour work

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Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

Tonia Morris

Tonia Morris, Generational Connector and Founder of Tonia Morris Speaks, talks about diversity, inclusion and belonging, reimagining the workforce, and attracting new talent.

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Episode 30 - March 9, 2021

The Evolution of the Small Giants Community Part 2

Hamsa Daher

Hamsa Daher, Executive Director of Small Giants Community, talks with Steve and Rich about how she got involved with the Small Giants Community, the core values of the community and how people are connected within the community.

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Episode 29 - March 2, 2021

The Evolution of the Small Giants Community

Paul Spiegelman

Paul Spiegelman, co-founder of Small Giants Community, talks with Rich and Steve about the evolution of the Small Giants Community and bringing together entrepreneurs who lead with purpose and value.

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Episode 28 - February 23, 2021

Scaling Your Business with guest co-host Jack Stack

Martin Babinec

Martin Babinec, author, continues his discussion with Jack Stack as they talk about scaling your business through creative collisions and referral by trusted sources.

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About The Podcast

GGOB + 21 Hats-1

The Great Game of Business has partnered with 21 Hats to bring the 21 Hats Podcast to all entrepreneurs in The Great Game of Business community! Hosted by Loren Feldman, this podcast offers real-world business insight. Tune in to stay up to date on today's business issues, hear real stories about organizational challenges leaders are facing, and take away strategies CEOs are using in the business world today. When you subscribe, you'll receive a weekly email notification of this podcast. Plus, receive a message any time a new podcast episode is published on The Great Game of Business "Change the Game Podcast."


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