The Fundamentals of Open-Book Management

What Is Open-Book Management?

Open-book management (OBM) is the business practice of creating transparency by sharing financial information with employees. This includes financial education for your employees and showing them how their production influences the company's finances. It is an easy-to-learn and fun management system intended to be a discipline developed over time rather than a one-time fix.

The idea behind this concept is that when employees gain a better understanding of how the organization is run, they become empowered by this knowledge and it gives them “a dog in the fight,” so to speak. This is because people will fight for whatever they've helped to create.

Employees are also more engaged because they're naturally curious about how their workplace contributions correlate to a company's success. Employees often see their share of the work in isolation, never knowing how it directly ties to how much they are helping (or hurting) their employer.

When this information is unknown, people will assume that their hard work is enabling the company to make a great deal of money, of which they see little. As owners and managers, we know this isn’t the case.

Is Open-Book Management Effective?

At its most effective, open-book management far outperforms the simple definition of “sharing financial information with employees.” Open-book isn’t just about opening your financials to your company; it’s about responsibility, ownership, results, and growth; all of these things can come together to move the needle forward in your organization. With proper training and knowledge, all levels of your business start to act and engage just like owners or leaders.

Fully engage with your employees by teaching them the workings of your business and the financial literacy needed to understand your books. With this knowledge, everyone begins to be able to make decisions that impact the business on a daily basis; everyone gains a stake in the outcome. The heart of The Game is very simple: We believe the best, most efficient, most profitable way to operate a business is to give everybody in the company a voice in how it’s run and a stake in the financial outcome—good or bad. Our ultimate goal is to create a “business of business people” who think, act, and feel like owners.

Where Can I Learn OBM? 

Start with a coaching call, introductory workshop, or event to learn more. We offer plenty of yearly events, webinars, and conferences to help you implement OBM for your organization. 

What Information Gets Shared in Open-Book Management?

The whole point of The Great Game of Business® is to get employees thinking about how their individual tasks contribute to improving the company. The specific financial information being shared is only the information that is necessary to accomplish this, and every organization will have slightly different numbers they focus on.

Because information about salaries and bonuses is not impacted by employees, those details are not shared with employees. However, generally, the more open you can be with the statistics that affect your financials, the better—because it builds trust.

Why is Financial Transparency Important?

  • Variances are observed, and the team can troubleshoot to determine what accounts for them. Once the root of these variances has been identified, future actions are taken.

  • Everyone gets the opportunity to keep their eye on the company and industry benchmarks. Having people look at the benchmarks regularly ensures that these numbers are hit.

  • Trends tell the story in a larger context, allowing everyone to see where the company is headed. If the trends are bad, it makes it easier for everyone to rally and turn things around.

  • Correlations give employees a chance to see the relatedness of various business affairs. For example, if the sales team lands a new contract, it can be shown how this has impacted growth over time.

  • By keeping a line of sight on all business metrics, you can tie efforts and outcomes back to your Critical Number™ and keep returning to the most important things for your organization to monitor.

  • The numbers give you a basis for forecasting and setting a unified and realistic goal that your teams can focus on.


What's the Effect on Employee Engagement?

First outlined in the NeuroLeadership Journal, the psychological concept of SCARF (status, certainty, autonomy, relatedness, and fairness) describes the drivers of human social behavior in the context of a work environment. SCARF is an acronym for five domains of human experience, including status, certainty, autonomy, relatedness, and fairness. These domains are the greatest motivating factors in improving a workforce, and GGOB can help deliver them.


Open-book management can be used to elevate the perceived status of an employee by giving them the feeling that they are in a unique group and privy to information that people at other organizations are not.


Certainty refers to the ability to perceive what is to come. A big part of opening the books involves forecasting future financial numbers. By giving employees a preview of what to expect, this awareness breeds engagement and people will make sure they do their part to hit these numbers and maintain this feeling of certainty.


When people are given a sense of control, they understand that they are responsible and can’t put the blame on others. This autonomy creates accountability and a feeling of pride for an individual who knows they have helped create a successful outcome.


Relatedness refers to shared goals. At the center of open-book management is the idea of rallying around a common cause and everyone assessing how they can do their part to accomplish the goal.


Regarding fairness, open-book practitioners use transparency to open up aspects of company operations that had previously been shrouded in secrecy. The Great Game® operating system leverages the psychology of motivation to maximize employee engagement.

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What Can Open-Book Management Do for Your Business?

Open-book management is the directing force that can keep you focused on the fundamentals of business. Here are three benefits of opening your books:

  • Knowing your numbers.Open-book management will help you focus on the numbers. By examining the ratios and trends of your profit and loss statement over a period of three or four years, solutions to many of your challenges may become self-evident.

  • Knowing your Critical Number. The Critical Number is the one thing that most clearly defines “winning” for your company. It provides a common metric and goal for the company and its employees that allows you to stay focused as an organization.

  • Building a winning culture. Employees need to feel like they matter and make a difference. Employee engagement is one of the clearest indicators of corporate health. OBM helps employees connect their jobs to the company’s mission, vision, values, and financial performance. By personally investing in the company’s success and having a stake in the outcome, they feel that they really do matter and are making a difference.

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