The Principles of the Great Game of Business
Most of the problems we have in business today are a direct result of our failure to show people how they fit into the Big Picture.
- Jack Stack
People who run companies know that there are really only two critical factors in business.
1. Make money 2. Generate cash
Everything else is a means to that end. Those simple rules apply to every business. And yet, at most companies, people are never told that the survival of the company (and their jobs) depends on doing those two things. No one explains how one person’s actions affects another’s, how each department depends on the others, what impact they all have on the company as a whole. Most important, no one tells people how to make money and generate cash. If you can educate your employees on the Big Picture, you can close the biggest gap in American business— the gap between workers and managers.
My own goal is to generate wealth for the people I work with, to distribute it in a way that makes the world a better place. It’s one thing to want the world to be better; it’s another to come up with the resources that let you do it. What I’m trying to do here is raise people’s standard of living by showing them how to create wealth and keep it. That’s my Big Picture.
- Jack Stack
Tapping into the universal human need to win, The Great Game of Business educates your people in the rules of business, rallies them around a common goal, empowers them to see and improve the score, and engages them by giving them a Stake in the Outcome—presenting them with the opportunity to win as a team.