GGOB + 21 Hats-1


About Our Podcasts

Podcasts for entrepreneurs, business owners, and leaders. These messages are brought to you directly from CEOs and business thinkers to help build healthier companies, better businesses, and better lives for both you and your employees.

Jackie Greene

Jackie Greene
Jackie Greene is the Vice President of Economics and has been serving ITR Economics’ clients since 2005. During that time she has contributed to the company’s forecasts, publications, and thought leadership. Jackie has worked with many of our clients in a one-on-one capacity as well as delivered Keynote addresses on multiple continents. Jackie earned her bachelor’s degree in Economics and Finance and is finishing a MBA with a concentration in international business. Check out her Executive Insights on the ITR Economics’ blog for a further look at Jackie’s expertise. ABOUT ITR ECONOMICS Founded in 1948, ITR Economics is the oldest privately held, continuously operating economic research and consulting firm in the United States. With a long-term accuracy rating of 94.7%, ITR Economics has forecasted major economic events such as the Great Recession of 2008 years in advance. ITR provides reliable industry and company forecasts tailored to clients’ needs. ITR Economics also offers economic webinars, subscription periodicals, consultative reports, and data-collection services. Our team of business-minded economists are skilled at translating outlooks to “what this means for your business strategy.” They can consult with your leadership teams regarding the outlook and assist in identifying ways you can use the outlook in your resource planning, budgeting, and sales goals.

Recent Posts

Difference Between Disinflation and Deflation

Jackie Greene
Jackie Greene from ITR economics discusses how to be better prepared, so you are not caught off guard. Why you should lose the losers and the difference between disinflation and deflation. 

About The Podcast

GGOB + 21 Hats-1

The Great Game of Business has partnered with 21 Hats to bring the 21 Hats Podcast to all entrepreneurs in The Great Game of Business community! Hosted by Loren Feldman, this podcast offers real-world business insight. Tune in to stay up to date on today's business issues, hear real stories about organizational challenges leaders are facing, and take away strategies CEOs are using in the business world today. When you subscribe, you'll receive a weekly email notification of this podcast. Plus, receive a message any time a new podcast episode is published on The Great Game of Business "Change the Game Podcast."


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