Larry, Here

When I talk with clients, here's what they share.

arrow (2)-1 We're missing an ownership mentality to motivate behavior.
arrow (2)-1 It feels like the weight of the company is all on me all the time.
arrow (2)-1 I want to develop my people and I don't see how I can do that with the more urgent needs of the business.
arrow (2)-1 People don't really understand what it takes to run the business financially.
arrow (2)-1 We're on a financial roller coaster.



Consider A Few Questions

Question Graphic



How would you feel if you could combine people development with bottom line impact?

How would your team respond if they had confidence and were empowered to make good business decisions?

What would the relief feel like when your team supports and shares the weight of the company with you?

What would the experience be like to share rewards and recognition with everyone for your team's success?

My Story


Larry Chase (1)


When companies want an ownership culture that includes trust and engagement along with positive financial impact, we help them make it happen. We coach them in building an Open-Book Management system. In reality, It's a people operating system that leads to growth for both individuals and the business.

Teaching the financial operation of your business requires turning a complex topic into basic, easy to understand concepts. I did this exact kind of work over a 23-year brewing career. For example, teaching the brewing process to people - customers, service staff, interns, and assistants - involves breaking it down to its core basics and teaching people in support of their growth and learning. It's a process of repetition, coaching them through the struggle, recognizing mistakes are okay, and providing direct support.

The same concepts apply to building a business of business people. Let's make it happen together.


Greg Parker (2)

Larry has a good understanding of what it takes for a team to undertake open-book management. Of equal and possibly greater importance, he understands what the essential ingredients are for a team to be able to truly pull together and enact the big and meaningful changes.

Greg Parker, Owner, Iron Horse Brewery


Transform your company when each team member...

Process Circles (1)


...Thinks like an owner. We educate employees about the business.

...Acts like an owner. We empower employees to make better decisions.

...Feels like an owner. We engage employees by providing A Stake in the Outcome®.

All of this focuses on getting to your Critical Number™ - the "one thing" that at this moment will have the greatest impact on your business

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Ownership Culture-1


Positive Financial Impact


Start Today With The Following Resources

Copy of Mary Collum LP-1Audiobook + Case Studies + Training Bites

  • Listen to the audiobook, The Great Game of Business, by Jack Stack. Learn the story behind the business revolution that introduced the world to open-book management.
  • Read case studies from companies playing The Great Game of Business. See the impact open-book management has made.
  • Get going tomorrow with 3 financial literacy training ideas designed to educate and engage your team.

Download Resources




Get in the Game Course (7)

Let's Talk

Design the Game Coaching (1)

Let's Talk

Play the Game Coaching-1

Let's Talk




Let's Connect!

You're invited to choose a time to talk at the Let's Talk buttons above because I'm interested to learn about you and your business. You can also call or Email me. Cheers!

Call 515.450.7853

Email Me