Copy of Keynote Speakers Graphic

Becoming the #1 Choice in a Crowded Market

Discover a framework of innovation and influence to create disruptive strategies and messaging to attract your ideal customers and employees. Learn how to leverage change to create unique competitive advantages that make you the clear choice. 

Your customers and potential employees may be interested in your why and engaged by your story, but they BUY YOUR BECAUSE. Gerry's Power of BECAUSE framework has been used by manufacturers, distributors, dealers and businesses of all kinds to clarify their message, drive referrals, close sales and attract and retain the right employees. 

The presentation is a fun, thought-provoking dialogue that reveals the four critical questions you should be asking to stand out in the sea of sameness. It is packed with strategies and case studies from multiple industries that can be implemented immediately. Gerry O'Brion has worked on several billion-dollar brands and distilled that experience into a framework that will challenge your thinking about why employees and customers choose you, and how they make referrals. 

Future Proof Your Company

The new normal of consistent change is leaving leaders concerned about being left behind. Instead of implementing half-baked, panic-driven ideas... it's time to identify the Easter eggs the future has left for us. In this talk, technology futurist Crystal Washington will show you and your team how to innovate, thrive and enjoy the ride. 

In this session, you will: 

  • Understand the gifts the future really has to offer, allowing you to shape and manipulate of your ultimate outcomes. 
  • Identify the most under-utilized Easter eggs of innovation... which you already have in your basket.
  • Create a framework to future-proof your career and organization... and avoid getting scrambled. 




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Here are just a few of the great speakers we have lined up, more to come! 

  • Alexis Bovalino-1
  • Alia Stowers-2
  • Angie Adamick
  • Ann Casstevens-1
  • Ann-Claire Broughton
  • Brenda Wilbur-1
  • Brian Underhill
  • Casey Cunningham
  • Chris Hutchinson
  • Cindy Stein
  • Danielle Krischik
  • Dave Scholten-1
  • Dave Van Belle-1
  • David Kirubi
  • Drew Owen
  • Eddie Geller
  • Erin Hottenstein
  • Frank Smith-1
  • Gerry OBrion
  • Hillary Hughes
  • Ila Vandel
  • Jack Kauffman-1
  • Jack ORiley-2
  • Jason Hawkes
  • Jeff Sneed-1
  • Joanne Thompson
  • John WIlliams
  • Jon Ault
  • Josh Burch
  • Kate Loging
  • Katie Carroll-1
  • Katie Huey
  • Kelli Hayes
  • Kent Whitaker-1
  • Kevin Walter-1
  • Krisi Schell-2
  • Kristi Stringer-1
  • Kylie Jackson-1
  • Lindsay Bauer
  • Mars Chapman
  • Marti Ross
  • Melissa Hamilton-1
  • Michael Twyman
  • Michele Bridges
  • Mitch Weenink
  • Nathanael Feehan-1
  • Nelson Tepfer
  • Rebecca Alvarez
  • Renee Webb-1
  • Rich Armstrong-4
  • Roy Messing
  • Stacey Smith
  • Steve Baker-3
  • Tom Olivo-1
  • Vaughn Henson
  • Wayne Whitesell-1