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We would like to share with you an MP3 of The Great Game of Business, Case Studies, and Training Bites you can start using today.

Mary Collum LP


Audiobook + Case Studies + Training Bites

We've gathered a few resources we think you might like! We've included an audiobook of The Great Game of Business, by Jack Stack — the book that started a business revolution by introducing the world to open-book management. You'll also find case studies from businesses within different industries practicing The Great Game of Business, and training bites designed to educate and engage your team. 

Attend Discover the Game For Free

Steve DTG

Discover The Game

Attend this workshop with other like-minded individuals and companies getting started with The Great Game of Business (GGOB). This interactive virtual event is hosted by Vice President, Steve Baker. During this 3-hour event, you will be challenged, engaged, and educated around The Great Game methodology.  Register with code "GGOB" and attend for free - a $295 value!

Expect to Receive:

  • A short history of GGOB and the SRC Story
  • An understanding of the Principles and Practices of GGOB
  • Key practices to engage and motivate your team going forward 
  • Exercises that you can do with your team immediately (Dollar Exercise & 90 Day Impact Plan)
  • Learn about self-funding, Gain-Sharing bonus programs
  • Learn how to gain trust and alignment through financial transparency

    Learn more about this event

    Use code "GGOB" when you register

    Save Your Seat Now!

Tapping into the universal human need to win, 




The Great Game of Business® educates your people in the rules of business, rallies them around a common goal, empowers them to see and improve the score, and engages them by giving them an opportunity to share in the rewards— What we call a Stake in the Outcome®—presenting them with the opportunity to win as a team.

It Starts with the Right Leadership ... but Involves Everyone!

The vignettes above are typical reactions to the adoption of The Great Game of Business by business owners, CEOs, managers, and front-line employees alike.

As a leader, you are expected to be a problem solver. But do you need to have all the answers? No, you don’t. In fact, you are not only allowed to but are obligated to tap any and all resources at your disposal to come up with the best solutions. 

People Support What They Help Create

The whole idea behind The Great Game of Business is to create an environment in which people are learning all the time. They’re seeing all kinds of situations. We’re showing them both sides of every story, allowing them to make decisions, to fail with any incorrect decisions they make, and to learn from their failures and try again. The Game sets people up for success through education, involvement, and opportunities for rewards—improving not only their financial position but their quality of life as well.

The bottom line is this: Great Game™ companies understand that when employees win, the company wins. And Great Game employees understand that when the company wins, they win. This is the only management system that consistently moves both the company and its people closer to their full potential—partly because The Game has never been just about generating profits, cash, and wealth, but also about using it for the good of the people and their communities. It's worth repeating: It's people. It's money. It's both.