The Great Game of Business

Community Coordinator Responsibilities
The Community Coordinator can be one designated team member or a combination with others depending on your company structure. A small company may want the Coordinator to do both the strategic planning and administration. A larger company may want the HR Manager, (or similar role), to do the planning and an Administrative Assistant to do the Community administration.

 Strategic Responsibilities
The Great Game Community is designed for any employee in your company to use as a resource. What makes the Community unique is that we want the "Wisdom of the Crowd" from all employees. All it takes is a name and e-mail for each member you would like involved. Remember the Higher Law #2, 'it's Pretty Easy to Stop One Guy, but it's Pretty hard to Stop 100"

Great Game Community Strategy -  Below are some guiding thoughts as you put your strategy together.
1. Where are you in your Great Game Implementation Plan?
2. The size of your company could require different phases of implementation in the community site. Example: who gets access in phase 1.
If you are a large company you may give access to the site to your Design team, Great Game Committee or Management team for the first 90 days.
If you are a small company you may give everyone access at the beginning and that is perfectly fine.
3. Onboarding New Employees Plan: New Employees, What is the Great Game of Business? Training? Suggestions on the Utilization Tips.
4. Huddle strategies: Huddle leaders can be armed with training bites, Huddle agendas, examples etc.
5. Human Resources and Training: A variety of trainings are available with tracking reports in the near future.

Great Game Training -  Below are some areas to plan who you want to train.
1. Courses: Get in the Game On-Demand (Great Game 10 Steps), Financial Literacy for Manufacturing or Service and a MiniGame course.
2. Conference Videos, Webinars, Coach access for questions, Discussion Boards with Clients
3. An entire collection of Training Bites

Administrative Responsibilities

Below are the task on the Administrative side - getting started responsibilities

  • Responsible for Community registration process – how to get your team registered and into the Community
  • Guidance for Employee Onboarding - who should be in the site
  • Peer Group registration
  • Point person for any issues with the site - Reach out to or Rhonda Chapman at for any assistance.

Learn All About the Great Game Community Roadmap