Employer of Choice Strategy

Written by Stephan Abrams | Aug 3, 2021 5:30:00 PM
Stephan Abrams, Owner of The Liquor Store at Jackson Hole discusses his "Work to Play the Teton Way" employment brand, how we implemented raising wages for all employees across the board, and how he developed a strategy that named The Liquor Store of Jackson Hole an employer of choice.


Episode with guests: Stephan Abrams

Owner of The Liquor Store At Jackson Hole

(This episode was recorded in July of 2021.)


Key Episode Take-Aways:

1. People support what they help create. If they believe in the values and beliefs, they communicate it and show it through their actions. (click to jump to this topic below)  That's what's motivating is when I can see other people in their actions with each other and with the customers and with how they communicate with their words, following those core values and beliefs that we have. And when people are following that, that means they own it. And that's what Great Game talks about, it's creating ownership, creating the feel of ownership. And it's more than just receiving the paycheck but it's people.

2. The people in your company should be what you're investing in. (click to jump to this topic below)  any business owner, who's listening, you got to check your ego at the door when you leave home. Because it is not about you. It is about everybody else who's showing up each day to contribute to your business. And it is so important to share that. And by seeing how important that people factor is.

3. There's no price for taking care of your employees. If they feel taken care of and appreciated, the work environment will be better for everyone. (click to jump to this topic below)  But now I know, as an employer, I have people who are going to be taking better care of themselves. So does it cost money? Yeah, it does. But what are you doing for somebody? What is the value? So if I have somebody who can come to work because they don't have rotten teeth, and they're in so much pain, or they have to spend several days at the dentist, that's going to help me but to know that I have people who are taking care of themselves. There's no price to put on that mean, we got to make money.


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